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CANCELLATIONS: Registration deadline is three business days prior to the workshop unless otherwise noted. Registration will be opened to non-ESU 3 schools at this time based on space availability. Please note that if you register and do not attend, or your cancellation is not received three business days in advance, you are still liable for full payment. Questions?

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Workshop SectionWorkshop SectionGrandparents & Extended Family Workshop ~ May 3, 2014
RegistrationRegistrationYou can't register for this workshop section because it occurs in the past.
Check to see if there are any other sections of this workshop coming up.
DepartmentDepartmentESU#3 Student Services
Primary ContactPrimary ContactMahaila Ramold
DescriptionThis Workshop is designed for grandparents, aunts, uncles & other
extended family members of children with special needs/disabilities.

Join us for a morning workshop designed especially for grandparents, aunts, uncles, adult siblings & other ex- tended family members of children with special needs. This workshop is not for the parents of children with disabilities, but rather a way to provide support to grandparents and other extended family members.

This workshop is especially focused on Grandparents and other extended family members concerning their role in supporting a child between the ages of birth-age 8 with a disability in their family. We encourage other ex- tended family members such as aunts and uncles to attend as well.

LocationESU 3
StatusStatusThis section is currently below the required number of registrations needed.
37 Registered
50 Minimum; 100 Maximum; 38 Lunch Count
Section Date(s)
DateStart TimeStop Time
May 03, 20148:00 AM 3:30 PM
Registration DeadlineApril 30, 2014
Event ID13954
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Pricing Information
 Who     Registration Fee     Default Price 
 Scholarship      $0.00  No 
 Individuals      $5.00  No 
 Couples      $7.00  No 

Materials FeeMaterials Fee: $0.00
LunchYes, lunch is provided.
CommentsDate: Saturday, May 3, 2014
Location: ESU #3, 6949 So. 110th St., Omaha Nebraska Lower Level: Cass/Douglas Room
Time: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Fee: $5 for individuals, $7 for couples
Confidential scholarships available: Call Mahaila Ramold at 402-597-4958 to inquire .

8:30 Registration and Breakfast (Provided)

9:00-10:30 “Why is my Grandchild Behaving that way?” Understanding the reason behind negative behavior so you can help teach a more desired behavior. National Presenter: Joanie Garro, MA, BCBA

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-12:15 iPad 101 Learn why this technology is useful for people with Special needs and how to use it.
Presenter: Dixie Trevarthen, Region Assistive Technology Consultant

12:15-1:00 LUNCH (Provided)

1:15-2:00 Break Out Session 1: Choose from a variety of disability related topics

2:00-2:45 Break Out Session 2: Choose from a variety of disability related topics

2:45-3:30 Wrap-up, Evaluation & Prize Drawings