IRIS: Workshops: Workshop Details
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Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopPrevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children (PTR-YC)
DepartmentDepartmentESU#3 Student Services
Default ContactDefault ContactAmy Harvey
Default LocationESU 3
DescriptionPrevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children (PTR-YC)
Featuring PTR-YC author Kelly Wilson

PTR-YC is a team-based model of individualized positive behavior support. Using this evidence-based process will assist your team in crafting a behavior intervention plan that includes strategies to:
? Prevent challenging behavior from occuring and promote the likelihood that your child will use other, more desirable behaviors, instead
? Teach your child how to use more desirable behaviors in the classroom
? Reinforce your child’s use of more desirable behaviors so that he/she is likely to keep using them
