Description | | Fee: Free to all Omaha area early intervention staff, preschool staff, community childcare providers, school counselors, parents, school and community mental health providers, school psychologists, judges, guardian ad items, family preservation specialists, CAPTA attorneys, HeadStart staff, and UNO students in the school psychology program.
This training will provide information and resources on diagnosed physical and mental health conditions area providers may work with in the areas of developmental delay in children below the ages of five. These conditions include, but are not limited to, attachment, chromosomal abnormalities, genetic or congenital disorders, sensory impairments, inborn errors of metabolism, reflecting disturbances or the nervous system, congenital infections, severe detachment disorders and disorders secondary to exposure to toxins and toxic substances, including fetal alcohol syndrome.
Vendor Fair: Omaha area early childhood mental health agencies, providers, and programs will be available at this training to share information about their services. |
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