IRIS: Workshops: Workshop Details
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Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopAdult Mental Health First Aid Workshop
DepartmentDepartmentESU#3 Student Services
Default ContactDefault ContactMona Pfeifer
Default LocationCass / Douglas Rooms
DescriptionWhat will Participants Learn?
The course teaches participants the risk factors and warning signs of a variety of mental health challenges common among adolescents, including anxiety, depression, psychosis, eating disorders, AD/HD, disruptive behavior disorders, and substance use disorder. Participants DO NOT learn to diagnose, nor how to provide any therapy or counseling—rather, participants learn to support a youth developing signs and symptoms of a mental illness or in an emotional crisis by applying a core five-step action plan:
* Assess for risk
* Listen nonjudgmentally
* Give reassurance and information
* Encourage appropriate professional help
* Encourage self-help and other support strategies

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AudienceAudience: school counselors, social workers, teachers, administrators, and staff working with students with behavioral—mental health needs