IRIS: Workshops: Workshop Details
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Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopHAL: Supporting Twice Exceptional Students
DepartmentDepartmentESU#3 Professional Learning
Default ContactDefault ContactScott Blum
Default LocationEducational Service Unit #3


Across the state of Nebraska, students are being qualified for high ability learning services that are also identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  ESU #3 is proud to present Nebraska's Metro Region ASD Coordinator, Teri McGill, for a two day series on strategies and supports for this student population.  Classroom teachers, HAL teachers, administration, and support staff that interact with twice exceptional students everyday are welcome to attend.  Below are details that will be covered on each date:


September 5th

·        Characteristics of high functioning autism and gifted

·        How characteristics of unique learners effects behavior in the classroom

·        Strategies and supports to use with students in the classroom


October 31st

·        Theory of mind

·        Self-awareness

·        Context blindness

·        Teaching self-regulation

·        Supports in place to facilitate a move to independence

·        Supports in independently planning and doing school work



A light breakfast will be served and an afternoon snack.  Lunch will be on your own for each date. Interested parties will need to register for each date individually.  


AudienceAudience: HAL Educators, Administrators, Classroom Educators, Support Staff